About me

This supervisor has been approved to provide supervision under the ACCESS TO SUPERVISION PROJECT.

I am a domestic violence trauma survivor and a loving supporter of family members who live with mental wellbeing challenges and suicidality over the past twenty five years. Recently, I was diagnosed autistic, so I am very proactive in ensuring people with neurodivergence have their voices heard and their needs are met within our healthcare systems and policies. I am passionate about people, wildlife, social justice, holistic health, the arts and protecting our environment for future generations.

This supervisor has been approved to provide supervision under the ACCESS TO SUPERVISION PROJECT. If you are a supervisee who has received an approval email/letter from the CMHL you may contact this supervisor for supervision for this project, then follow the stated processes for supervision payment.

My experience

I have an extensive background as a carer representative over the past 15 years, and have decades of experience working alongside people in roles as a grief counsellor, nurse, mental health peer worker and adult educator.

My current role/work

My current focus is on suicide prevention and I hold senior lived experience advisory, consultancy, mentoring, research and supervisory roles with national and state organisations including; Black Dog Institute, Queensland Health, Arafmi, Roses in the Ocean, Neami, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australian National University and University of New South Wales.

My training

I am a mentor, trainer and facilitator of Emotional CPR, Poetry as a Tool for Wellness, and am trained in Peer Supported Open Dialogue, Deadly Thinking, Hearing Voices, Transactional Analysis, and have a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (UK). My recent doctorate in Creative Arts researched intergenerational trauma, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and family violence - exploring the utilisation of creative writing and art to generate recovery and post-traumatic growth. My Masters degree in Training and Development investigated workplace performance and improvement, and the role of supervisors, noting the particular importance of 'support' in the workplace. I have also held finance and senior management roles in government, private sector, community-based health and welfare organisations, and specialised in women's health.

My approach to supervision

I encourage reflective practice and the utilisation of journaling, poetry, creative writing and art to explore your peer practice and self discovery.

Family Carer
Specialty areas:
Peer support,Consumer or family carer consultant,Policy development,Strategic thinking
Mode of delivery:
In person,Phone,Online
Supervision size:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
Brisbane, Queensland.
Geographical area availability for supervision
$150 per hour
Concessional rates available on request