About me

This supervisor has been approved to provide supervision under the ACCESS TO SUPERVISION PROJECT.

Nice to meet you! Shall we find a quiet space where we can grab a coffee and we could talk about how we could work together?

I'm Rachel,
I'm the proud founder and director of LEAD - Lived Experience Advisory Directory. We are the largest members platform for providing jobs, research and now workplace support for people with lived experience. Check it out at www.livedexperienceleaders.com

My values are the first thing that I would like to share with you. These are:

Integrity - holding how I work with people in the highest regard, doing things for the right reason.

Future focused - we are all here because of our orientation in the past, and retaining a scope on the future horizon so that we can help others to lift their heads to the same

Empowerment - I believe this isn't something someone can provide you with, but we can walk alongside each other until the feeling naturally grows (with some encouragement if needed) from within you.

Belonging - Everyone needs their people, those that we know who will champion, support, encourage and gently motion in the right direction. We can find belonging in a supervisory relationship with the right trusted person.

We have it for ourselves, those we work alongside and in our approach to leading.

I live in the UK in the countryside with my three cats, they may well pay a visit during our time together to check in and see how you are doing. Due to my location and timezone (GMT) I will work widely early AM or late PM - we can find a time that's right for both of us.

I am open-minded, non-judgemental and have a broad cultural lens. I am part of the queer and neurodivergent community - and work with others who are not in either camp, but whose values align to embracing anyone with uniqueness. I love travelling, cooking and foraging and - often share recipes or old wisdom about plants or nature with people I work alongside if this is a way of connecting.

I am a survivor of CSA & DA, and living alongside a mental health diagnosis. I have accessed mental health services both within the community and in hospital. I have called on the transformative fallout from these experiences to be my energy for evoking change on a global level to the way we support people within the workplace who share similar experiences.

This supervisor has been approved to provide supervision under the ACCESS TO SUPERVISION PROJECT. If you are a supervisee who has received an approval email/letter from the CMHL you may contact this supervisor for supervision for this project, then follow the stated processes for supervision payment.

My experience

I have over 15 years of working within the mental health sector as a peer supporter, training developer and later a senior leader and director. I've worked across National Health Services, charities and private providers. I work with a spectrum of people, from those in supporter roles to people at an executive level.

My current role/work

I am the founder and director of LEAD - Lived Experience Advisory Directory www.livedexperienceleaders.com
Principal organisational consultant

My training

I hold a BA(hons) in Leadership and Management and am just finishing my Masters in Organisational Psychology
I have both enhanced peer support and peer supervisor qualifications, and coaching certification

My approach to supervision

I offer a human approach. There are no prerequisites. I have different modalities we can work across, and often finding a reflective space where we can look at what is happening can be a good space to start.

I can offer a robust and safely held space from a place of professionally and personally informed knowledge. I align with a lived experience leadership approach and believe that we all hold leadership qualities on a micro or grander scale. And when we strike a strong alliance with supporters this is when these skills flourish.

I will be in your corner, wherever your work takes you.

Specialty areas:
Peer support,Consumer or family carer consultant,Policy development,Strategic thinking
Mode of delivery:
Supervision size:

  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
I work on GMT - I am happy to find a morning or evening time that suits around our time difference
Geographical area availability for supervision