About me

This supervisor has been approved to provide supervision under the ACCESS TO SUPERVISION PROJECT.

Matthew identifies as a Mad and neurodiverse person, a 'queerdo' and a gender diverse nonbinary person. They have been a consumer of public and private mental health services, a young carer, and a person who has lost a parent to suicide. Matthew loves nature, travel, cultural diversity, pop music, dance and movement and social activism. They love agitating for structural change in state, national and international mental health and disability policy and are a Lived Experience Consultant to the World Health Organisation.

This supervisor has been approved to provide supervision under the ACCESS TO SUPERVISION PROJECT. If you are a supervisee who has received an approval email/letter from the CMHL you may contact this supervisor for supervision for this project, then follow the stated processes for supervision payment.

My experience

Matthew received Australia's National Mental Health Advocate award by the Mental Health Foundation of Australia in 2020. Matthew is the Founder/Principle Consultant of The Australian Centre for Lived Experience, an international peer lead consultancy and advisory practice. They have been a global mental health activist promoting human rights, social justice and lived experience perspective from a public health and Mad Studies discipline. Matthew's advocacy career addresses alternatives to the biological, psychiatric and 'psy' science approaches to wellbeing, with a focus on social, cultural, spiritual, and structural determinants. Matthew previously represented the Western Pacific Region on the Global Mental Health Peer Network and was a Global Shaper with the World Economic Forum. They consult the World Health Organisation on lived experience mental health perspective and peer work practice. Matthew trained internationally in certified peer specialist practice. They have been a social work lecturer and researcher in mental health and trauma. Matthew has been a longstanding public servant in forensic mental health, Department of Social Services, and the National Disability Insurance Agency. They are a member of the Victorian Branch Management Committee, with the Australian Association of Social Workers. Matthew is an open service user, participant, consumer, and family/carer of various systems. They are passionate about dismantling and reconstructing systems of justice driven care.

Social media and public events

My current role/work

Founder and CEO

The Australian Centre for Lived Experience


My training

Masters of Advanced Social Work
Graduate Certificate in Mad Studies
Masters of Public Health (current)
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
Certified Peer Specialist (USA)
Intentional Peer Support
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

My approach to supervision

I approach supervision from a co-reflective and intervision lens that is both coaching and solution focused in a Mad and neurodiverse affirming manner. I start with where you are at and work towards your goals, dreams and aspiration. I believe in superpower, and unlocking the inner power we all have through dialogue.

Specialty areas:
Peer support,Consumer or family carer consultant,Policy development,Strategic thinking
Mode of delivery:
In person,Phone,Online
Supervision size:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
Melbourne in person. Virtual for any other region.
Geographical area availability for supervision