About me

This supervisor has been approved to provide supervision under the ACCESS TO SUPERVISION PROJECT.

Amongst other things, I have lived experience supporting a loved one who has experienced an eating disorder. I have five children and do this work in the hope that I may be able to assist families/carers experiencing the same thing. I am passionate about strongly advocating for improved service delivery that is respectful and inclusive of Family/Carers.

I am committed to developing the Lived Experience workforce, including substantive and appropriate professional development, meaningful career progression, and improvements in governance through the principles of co-design and co-production.

This supervisor has been approved to provide supervision under the ACCESS TO SUPERVISION PROJECT. If you are a supervisee who has received an approval email/letter from the CMHL you may contact this supervisor for supervision for this project, then follow the stated processes for supervision payment.

My experience

I have extensive lived experience supporting a loved one who has battled an eating disorder. As a parent of five children, I am deeply committed to assisting families and carers facing similar challenges. My passion lies in advocating for improved service delivery that is both respectful and inclusive of families and carers.

Currently, I am the Team Leader of Lived Experience at The Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders (CEED), a state-wide service in Victoria. In this role, I lead a team of senior Lived Experience Advisors, providing leadership and support through clinical consultation, training, and service development. I also serve on various Department of Health committees and the executive of CLEW, contributing to the development of the National and Victorian Strategy for Eating Disorders.

In addition to my professional work, I am actively involved in developing, delivering, and co-facilitating training for both clinicians and family/carers. My dedication extends to fostering the Lived Experience workforce through meaningful professional development, career progression, and improved governance guided by the principles of co-design and co-production

My current role/work

* Team Leader, Lived Experience at CEED: Leading initiatives that provide comprehensive support and training for eating disorder treatment within the public specialist mental health service.
* Committee Member and Executive Roles: Active participation in several Department of Health committees and CLEW, focusing on policy and strategy development for eating disorder services.

Key Partnership Projects

* Discipline-Specific Framework for Family/Carer Workforce: Collaborating with Tandem and CLEW to create a comprehensive framework for the family/carer workforce.
* Bank of Position Descriptions: Developing a repository of position descriptions to standardize and support family/carer workforce roles.
* CLEW Sustainability Project: Working on projects to ensure the sustainability and growth of the Carer Lived Experience Workers (CLEW) network.
* Discipline Specific Supervision Training: Contributing to the design and delivery of supervision training tailored for the family/carer workforce

My training

* Clinical Supervision Training: Currently studying at the Bouverie Centre.
* Bachelor of Psychology: Completed
* Master of Family Therapy: Currently pursuing at La Trobe University/Bouverie.
* Foundational Open Dialogue Training: Engaged in training to enhance collaborative and systemic approaches to care.

Professional Training
Intentional Peer Support Training
Motivational Interviewing
Single Session Thinking / Family Consultation/Peer Work
Foundations of Family Therapy
Culturally Responsive Practice

My approach to supervision

My supervision philosophy is built on a reflective and collaborative stance, ensuring that sessions are focused on the needs of the supervisee while preserving a supportive supervision relationship. I value open discussion and believe that supervisees are the experts of their experiences, equipped with the answers to their dilemmas.

The family/carer workforce is emerging and expanding, particularly in the realm of eating disorders. While I have a keen interest in supporting this workforce, I also possess a comprehensive understanding of broader workforce issues and advancements. My extensive experience and up-to-date knowledge equip me to support the development and evolution of this critical field.

Family Carer
Specialty areas:
Consumer or family carer consultant,Policy development,Strategic thinking
Mode of delivery:
Supervision size:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
Metro and Regional Victoria. Regional and Rural Australia.
Geographical area availability for supervision